652 research outputs found

    Computer program for parameter optimization

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    Flexible, large scale digital computer program was designed for the solution of a wide range of multivariable parameter optimization problems. The program has the ability to solve constrained optimization problems involving up to one hundred parameters

    The DLG processor: A data management executive for the engineering design integration (EDIN) system. Volume 1: Engineering description and utilization manual

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    The DLG processor is a Univac 1100 series computer program designed to read, modify, manipulate, and replace symbolic images. DLG is controlled by a set of user supplied directives and operates from a data base of stratified information which can be merged with the symbolic images. Data bases can be constructed and maintained in the mass storage media using the DLG directive language

    Development of the engineering design integration (EDIN) system: A computer aided design development

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    The EDIN (Engineering Design Integration) System which provides a collection of hardware and software, enabling the engineer to perform man-in-the-loop interactive evaluation of aerospace vehicle concepts, was considered. Study efforts were concentrated in the following areas: (1) integration of hardware with the Univac Exec 8 System; (2) development of interactive software for the EDIN System; (3) upgrading of the EDIN technology module library to an interactive status; (4) verification of the soundness of the developing EDIN System; (5) support of NASA in design analysis studies using the EDIN System; (6) provide training and documentation in the use of the EDIN System; and (7) provide an implementation plan for the next phase of development and recommendations for meeting long range objectives

    PLOTTER: An independent computer program for the generation of graphical displays

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    A computer program is described for generating graphical information from input data or auxiliary analysis programs on a variety of graphical devices. Options are presented for tabulating the data in columnar format and for plotting auxiliary text in the vicinity of the plotted information. Display device selection is accomplished by interfacing the basic computer code through routines which convert the internally generated plot vectors to hardware commands for the display device. The plotting techniques employed in the computer program are discussed. User's instructions are presented with examples which illustrate the use of the program in generating plotted information from various sources and presenting the information in alternate plot formats. Technical discussion of the computer code is presented giving the physical characteristics, computer loading instructions and descriptions of the subroutines

    ODIN: Optimal design integration system

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    The report provides a summary of the Optimal Design Integration (ODIN) System as it exists at Langley Research Center. A discussion of the ODIN System, the executive program and the data base concepts are presented. Two examples illustrate the capabilities of the system which have been exploited. Appended to the report are a summary of abstracts for the ODIN library programs and a description of the use of the executive program in linking the library programs

    VAMP: A computer program for calculating volume, area, and mass properties of aerospace vehicles

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    A computerized procedure developed for analyzing aerospace vehicles evaluates the properties of elemental surface areas with specified thickness by accumulating and combining them with arbitrarily specified mass elements to form a complete evaluation. Picture-like images of the geometric description are capable of being generated

    IMAGE: A computer code for generating picture-like images of aerospace vehicles

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    An independent geometry display program called IMAGE is presented. The use of the program permits the editing of geometric configurations and the monitoring of geometric perturbations

    WAATS: A computer program for Weights Analysis of Advanced Transportation Systems

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    A historical weight estimating technique for advanced transportation systems is presented. The classical approach to weight estimation is discussed and sufficient data is presented to estimate weights for a large spectrum of flight vehicles including horizontal and vertical takeoff aircraft, boosters and reentry vehicles. A computer program, WAATS (Weights Analysis for Advanced Transportation Systems) embracing the techniques discussed has been written and user instructions are presented. The program was developed for use in the ODIN (Optimal Design Integration System) system

    Program user's manual for optimizing the design of a liquid or gaseous propellant rocket engine with the automated combustor design code AUTOCOM

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    This computer program manual describes in two parts the automated combustor design optimization code AUTOCOM. The program code is written in the FORTRAN 4 language. The input data setup and the program outputs are described, and a sample engine case is discussed. The program structure and programming techniques are also described, along with AUTOCOM program analysis